If on an adventure, you want to keep your equipment sorted into separate compartments, take a moment and look at the black Leather Pouch with Pockets. This natural, black leather belt bag has a curved front flap. The flap secures shut with an adjustable strap and brass buckle. Next, there are two pockets on the front, underneath the flap. These pockets have drawstring ties. They are perfect for keeping smaller gear from mixing with the contents of the larger pouch. The larger pouch also has a drawstring tie for greater security. There are two loops at the top back of the bag. These loops are great for attaching the bag to a belt, not included. This pouch is fantastic for Renaissance faires as well as LARP and fantasy events. You can also wear it to a historical reenactment.
Please be aware this is made from natural materials, therefore, it may vary slightly from above.
Key Features:
- Two small front pocket design
- Closes with an adjustable strap and buckle
- Drawstring ties for greater security
- Loops for attaching to a belt, not included
- Great for Renaissance faires and LARP events
- Made of leather
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